Showing posts with label Labour Info. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Labour Info. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Complaint Regarding Non-Issuance of Experience, Relieving Letter, and Pay Slips

Letter format 1

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]


Labour Commissioner

[Address of Labour Commissioner Office]

[City, State, Zip Code]

Subject: Complaint Regarding Non-Issuance of Experience, Relieving Letter, and Pay Slips

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to file a formal complaint against my previous employer, [Company Name], regarding their failure to provide me with the necessary documents, namely the Experience Certificate, Relieving Letter, and Pay Slips.

I was employed with [Company Name] from [Joining Date] to [Last Working Date]. After completing my tenure, I resigned from my position and fulfilled all my professional obligations during the notice period, as per the company's policies.

Despite my repeated requests to the HR department and management, I have not received the following essential documents:

Experience Certificate: An experience certificate is crucial for any professional as it validates the period of employment, the roles and responsibilities held, and the skills acquired during the tenure. It is an essential document required for future job prospects and career growth.

Relieving Letter: A relieving letter confirms that an employee has completed their notice period and other exit formalities satisfactorily. It is a necessary document for joining a new employer, and the absence of a relieving letter can create unnecessary complications and questions about my previous employment.

Pay Slips: Regular and timely issuance of pay slips is not only a legal obligation but also a means for employees to understand the details of their salary, deductions, and other financial aspects related to their employment.

The non-issuance of these documents by [Company Name] has put me in a challenging situation. It hampers my ability to secure new employment, as prospective employers often require these documents as proof of my previous work experience and salary history.

I have followed the prescribed procedure and formally requested these documents from the HR department on several occasions, but my requests have been ignored or delayed without any reasonable explanation.

I believe that the actions of [Company Name] in withholding these crucial documents are not only unfair but also violate my rights as an employee. This situation has caused immense stress and uncertainty in my professional life.

I kindly request your office to investigate this matter and ensure that [Company Name] issues the necessary documents promptly. I also seek your assistance in ensuring that the company complies with all labor laws and regulations to safeguard the rights of its employees.

I am willing to provide any additional information or cooperation required for a fair resolution to this issue. Your intervention is crucial in helping me secure the documents I am entitled to and in upholding the principles of justice and employee rights.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to a positive resolution soon.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]


  1. Copies of resignation letter and notice period completion proof
  2. Copies of emails or communication with [Company Name] regarding the requested documents
  3. Any other relevant supporting documents

Letter format 2

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

Labour Commissioner
[Address of Labour Commissioner Office]
[City, State, Zip Code]

Subject: Complaint Regarding Non-Issuance of Experience Letter, Relieving Letter, and Pay Slips

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to bring to your attention a matter of great concern related to my previous employment with [Company Name]. I am filing this complaint to seek your assistance in obtaining the pending documents, namely the Experience Letter, Relieving Letter, and Pay Slips, which are essential for my future job prospects and financial records.

I was employed with [Company Name] from [Joining Date] to [Last Working Date]. However, despite having completed all the necessary formalities and serving the notice period as per the terms of my employment contract, the company has failed to provide me with the following critical documents:

Experience Letter: An Experience Letter is an essential document required by potential employers to verify my past employment and assess my suitability for new job opportunities. The lack of this letter is hindering my chances of securing new employment and is causing unnecessary delays in my job search.

Relieving Letter: A Relieving Letter is a standard document issued by employers to certify that an employee has completed all obligations and is relieved of their duties. It serves as proof of the completion of employment and is vital for a smooth transition to a new job.

Pay Slips: Pay Slips are necessary for maintaining accurate financial records and for taxation purposes. They also provide a breakdown of the salary components, deductions, and other financial details, ensuring transparency in salary payments.

I have made several attempts to contact the HR department of [Company Name] regarding the issuance of these documents, but my requests have been ignored, and no action has been taken on their part to address this matter.

I believe that the non-issuance of these crucial documents is not only an infringement of my rights as an employee but also a violation of labor laws and regulations that protect the interests of workers.

Therefore, I request your esteemed office to intervene in this matter and compel [Company Name] to immediately provide me with the Experience Letter, Relieving Letter, and all pending Pay Slips for the duration of my employment with the company.

I also request you to conduct a thorough investigation into the practices of [Company Name] regarding the issuance of these documents to other employees, as I suspect that I am not the only one facing this issue.

I am prepared to cooperate fully with any inquiry or investigation that may be necessary to resolve this matter. I trust in your commitment to protecting the rights of employees and ensuring compliance with labor laws.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter, and I hope for a prompt resolution to this issue.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

  1. Copies of employment contract or appointment letter
  2. Proof of completing the notice period (if applicable)
  3. Communication with the company's HR department regarding the pending documents

Complaint Letter to Labour Commissioner for Form 16

Letter format 1

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]


Labour Commissioner

[Address of Labour Commissioner Office]

[City, State, Zip Code]

Subject: Complaint Regarding Non-Issuance of Form 16

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to bring to your attention a serious issue concerning the non-issuance of Form 16 by my employer, [Company Name]. I have been facing significant difficulties in obtaining this essential document for the assessment of my income tax returns.

I have been an employee at [Company Name] for the financial year [Financial Year], and my salary was subject to tax deduction at source (TDS) during this period. As per the Income Tax Act, 1961, it is the employer's responsibility to issue Form 16 to each of its employees who have undergone TDS deductions within a stipulated timeframe.

Despite my repeated requests to the company's HR department, I have not received my Form 16 for the aforementioned financial year. This has resulted in considerable inconvenience, as I am unable to file my income tax returns accurately and on time.

I want to highlight that Form 16 is a crucial document required by the Income Tax Department for the assessment of an individual's tax liability. Its non-issuance not only violates my rights as an employee but also hampers my ability to comply with my legal obligations regarding income tax filing.

Therefore, I seek your urgent intervention in this matter to ensure that my employer promptly issues the Form 16 to me and other affected employees. I also request you to take appropriate actions against the company for failing to comply with the tax laws and for causing unnecessary hardship to its employees.

Furthermore, I kindly request your office to conduct an investigation into the company's practices related to tax deductions and Form 16 issuance to ascertain if other employees are also facing similar issues.

I trust that you will take the necessary steps to address this matter and uphold the rights of employees as enshrined in the labor laws and income tax regulations.

Thank you for your attention to this issue. I look forward to a speedy resolution and compliance with the required legal procedures.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]


  1. Proof of employment with [Company Name] (e.g., appointment letter, salary slips)
  2. Evidence of communication with the company regarding Form 16 issuance
  3. Any other relevant documents supporting the complaint.

Letter format 2

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

Labour Commissioner
[Address of Labour Commissioner Office]
[City, State, Zip Code]

Subject: Complaint Regarding Non-Issuance of Form 16

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to bring to your attention a serious issue regarding the non-issuance of Form 16 by my employer, [Company Name]. The purpose of this letter is to file a formal complaint and seek your intervention to ensure compliance with tax regulations and labor laws.

As an employee of [Company Name], I was employed from [Joining Date] to [Last Working Date], and during this period, tax was deducted from my salary as per the Income Tax laws of our country. However, despite the statutory requirement, the company has failed to provide me with the Form 16 for the financial year [Financial Year] which is necessary for filing my income tax returns.

Form 16 is an essential document required by all salaried individuals to file their income tax returns and to claim tax refunds if applicable. It contains crucial details related to the tax deducted at source (TDS) by the employer and other relevant financial information. The non-issuance of Form 16 not only puts employees in a difficult situation during the tax filing process but also raises concerns about the company's compliance with tax regulations and labor laws.

I have approached the company's HR department on multiple occasions to request the issuance of Form 16, but my efforts have been in vain. Their response has been evasive, and I have not received any concrete assurance or timeline for receiving the document.

I strongly believe that the non-issuance of Form 16 by [Company Name] is a violation of labor laws and tax regulations, and it compromises my rights as an employee. It is my duty to comply with tax laws, and I am facing undue hardships due to the company's negligence in providing this essential document.

In light of the above, I request your esteemed office to intervene in this matter and ensure that [Company Name] promptly issues the Form 16 for the financial year [Financial Year]. I also seek your assistance in monitoring the company's adherence to all relevant tax and labor laws, to safeguard the rights and interests of the employees.

I am willing to cooperate with any inquiry or investigation that may be required to resolve this matter. Your intervention will not only assist me but also set a precedent for adherence to labor and tax regulations, benefiting all employees of the organization.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I sincerely hope for a swift resolution to this issue.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]

  1. Proof of employment with [Company Name] (appointment letter, salary slips, etc.)
  2. Communication with the company's HR department regarding Form 16 request

Complaint Letter to Labour Commissioner for delayed salaries

Letter format 1

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]


Labour Commissioner

[Address of Labour Commissioner Office]

[City, State, Zip Code]

Subject: Complaint Regarding Delayed Salaries

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to bring to your attention a serious concern regarding the delayed payment of salaries by my employer, [Employer's Name].

I have been employed with [Employer's Name] since [Joining Date], and I am currently working in the position of [Your Job Title]. However, for the past several months, the company has consistently delayed the disbursement of our salaries without providing any reasonable explanation or timeline for the payment.

This persistent delay in salary payments has caused immense financial hardship for me and my colleagues. As a result, we have faced difficulties in meeting our basic needs, paying our bills, and fulfilling our financial obligations. Moreover, the uncertainty surrounding our monthly wages has created an atmosphere of anxiety and distress among the employees.

We have repeatedly approached the HR department and management to address this issue, but our concerns have been met with vague assurances and empty promises. Despite our continuous efforts, the situation remains unchanged, and the salary disbursements continue to be delayed.

I believe this practice is in direct violation of the labor laws and regulations that protect the rights of employees, including the timely payment of wages. The delay in salary payments not only affects our well-being but also erodes the trust and confidence we have in our employer.

Therefore, I request your esteemed office to conduct a thorough investigation into this matter and take necessary actions to ensure that [Employer's Name] complies with the labor laws. I urge you to intervene promptly and order the company to release our pending salaries without further delay.

Additionally, I request your office to impose appropriate penalties or take any other necessary measures against the employer to prevent such violations from recurring in the future. Employees deserve to be treated fairly and with respect, and timely payment of salaries is a fundamental right that should not be compromised.

I am willing to provide any further information or documentation required to support the investigation of this complaint.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I trust that your office will take swift action to address this pressing issue.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]


  1. Copies of employment contract and offer letter
  2. Evidence of delayed salary payments (pay slips, bank statements, etc.)
  3. Any relevant communication with the employer regarding this issue 

Letter format 2

[Your Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, Zip Code]
[Email Address]
[Phone Number]

Labour Commissioner
[Address of Labour Commissioner Office]
[City, State, Zip Code]

Subject: Complaint Regarding Delayed Salaries

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to bring to your attention a serious issue that I am facing as an employee of [Company Name]. The purpose of this letter is to file a formal complaint against my employer for consistently delaying the payment of my salary, which is causing significant financial hardship and mental distress.

I have been employed with [Company Name] since [Joining Date], and I have always fulfilled my responsibilities diligently and to the best of my abilities. However, for the past [Number of Months/Days], the company has been consistently late in disbursing the salaries to its employees, including myself.

This delay in salary payments has created a challenging situation for me and my colleagues. It has become increasingly difficult to meet our financial obligations, such as paying rent, bills, and supporting our families. Moreover, the uncertainty and anxiety caused by this recurring issue have severely affected our work performance and morale.

I wish to emphasize that timely payment of salaries is not only a contractual obligation but also a fundamental right of every employee, protected under labor laws and regulations. As per the prevailing laws, employers are legally required to pay their employees' salaries within a specified time frame, and any delays in doing so are considered a violation of labor rights.

Despite numerous attempts to address this issue with the company's management, the situation remains unchanged, and no concrete steps have been taken to rectify the problem. Hence, I believe it is necessary to seek intervention from your esteemed office to protect our rights as employees and ensure compliance with labor laws.

I kindly request your intervention in this matter and urge you to initiate an investigation into the delayed salary payments at [Company Name]. I also request you to take appropriate action to ensure that the company adheres to its legal obligations of timely salary disbursement and provide necessary guidance and support to resolve this matter promptly.

I am willing to cooperate fully with any inquiry or investigation that may be required to address this issue and bring about a fair resolution. I trust in your commitment to upholding labor rights and seek your intervention to help us secure our rightful salaries on time.

Thank you for your attention to this matter, and I look forward to a prompt and positive resolution.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]


Copies of employment contract or appointment letter
Evidence of delayed salary payments (salary slips, bank statements, etc.)
Any communication with the employer regarding this issue

Complaint Letter to Labour Commissioner for full and final settlement

Full and Final Settlement Letter format 1

 [Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]


Labour Commissioner

[Address of the Labour Commissioner's Office]

[City, State, Zip Code]

Subject: Complaint for Final Settlement

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hope this letter finds you in good health. I am writing to bring to your attention an unresolved matter regarding my final settlement with [Company Name], my former employer. Despite multiple attempts to resolve the issue amicably, I have not received my entitled dues, and I am seeking your intervention to help me secure my rightful compensation.

Employment Details:

Name of Employee: [Your Name]

Employee ID: [Employee ID, if applicable]

Designation: [Your Designation]

Department: [Your Department]

Date of Joining: [Date of Joining]

Date of Resignation/Termination: [Date of Resignation or Termination]

I have been an employee at [Company Name] from [Date of Joining] to [Date of Resignation or Termination]. As per my employment contract and the labor laws of our state, I am entitled to receive a final settlement that includes:

Outstanding Salary: [Amount]

Leave Encashment: [Amount]

Gratuity: [Amount]

Any other applicable dues: [Specify any other outstanding payments]

I have contacted my former employer multiple times, both in person and in writing, to request the settlement of my dues, but my efforts have been met with silence and inaction. Despite following all the proper procedures and waiting for an extended period, I have not received any response or payment from the company.

This unresolved matter has caused me significant financial strain and mental stress. I believe that my rights as an employee have been violated, and I am seeking your assistance and intervention to ensure I receive my rightful dues in a timely manner.

I request you to kindly take up my case and initiate the necessary proceedings to resolve this matter as soon as possible. I am enclosing copies of relevant documents, including my resignation/termination letter, payslips, and any communication exchanged with the company.

If required, I am ready to cooperate fully with any investigation or inquiry to expedite the resolution of this issue. I believe in the fair application of labor laws and trust that your office will take appropriate action in this matter.

Thank you for your attention to this urgent matter. I look forward to a positive resolution with your intervention. Please feel free to contact me at [Your Phone Number] or [Your Email Address] for any further information or clarification.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name] (Signature if submitting a physical copy)

Full and Final Settlement Letter format 2

[Your Name]

[Your Address]

[City, State, Zip Code]

[Email Address]

[Phone Number]


Labour Commissioner

[Address of Labour Commissioner Office]

[City, State, Zip Code]

Subject: Complaint for Final Settlement Letter

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hope this letter finds you well. I am writing to lodge a formal complaint against my previous employer, [Employer's Name], regarding the final settlement of my dues after termination of my employment with their company.

I was employed with [Employer's Name] from [Joining Date] to [Last Working Date]. Unfortunately, my employment was terminated on [Termination Date] without any prior notice or valid reason, which itself was a clear violation of the labor laws and my employment contract.

Since my termination, I have repeatedly tried to communicate with the company's HR department regarding my final settlement, but I have not received any response or cooperation from their end. As per my knowledge, I am entitled to the following pending dues:

Salary for the period [Month/Year to Month/Year]

Unpaid overtime and other pending allowances

Payment in lieu of the notice period

Accrued leave and encashment of leave days

Provident Fund (PF) contributions and any other retirement benefits

Gratuity as per company policy and legal requirements

I have attached all relevant documents, such as salary slips, attendance records, and any other supporting documents that demonstrate my claim for the mentioned dues.

Despite my best efforts to settle this matter amicably with my former employer, they have failed to respond to my communication and have not taken any action to release the outstanding dues.

I request your esteemed office to intervene in this matter and help me secure my rightful dues as per the labor laws and regulations. I seek your assistance in conducting an investigation into this case and ensuring that justice is served.

If necessary, I am willing to cooperate with any further proceedings, investigations, or hearings to resolve this dispute fairly and efficiently.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I hope for a prompt resolution and trust that your office will uphold the principles of justice and protect the rights of employees in our country.

Yours sincerely,

[Your Name]


Copy of Appointment Letter

Termination Letter (if applicable)

Copies of payslips and attendance records

Proof of communication with the employer (emails, letters, etc.)

Any other relevant documents

How do I file a complaint for full and final settlement?

 To file a complaint for full and final settlement in India, follow these steps:

Gather necessary documents: Collect all relevant documents related to your employment, such as offer letters, appointment letters, salary slips, resignation letter, communication with the company regarding your settlement, and any other proofs of unpaid dues or benefits.

Attempt internal resolution: Before escalating the matter, try to resolve the issue amicably with your employer. Communicate with the HR department or concerned authorities about your pending settlement and request a resolution. Keep records of all communications for future reference.

Consult with your trade union (if applicable): If you are a member of a trade union, seek their guidance and support in filing the complaint. They can provide valuable advice and may even represent you during the process.

Contact the Labour Department: If your employer does not respond or refuses to settle your dues, you can file a complaint with the Labor Department in your state. Visit the official website of the Labor Department to find contact information and details about the complaint process.

Prepare the complaint: Write a formal complaint letter addressed to the Labor Commissioner of your state. Include details such as your name, contact information, employee ID (if applicable), employment period, and a clear description of the outstanding dues and benefits.

Attach supporting documents: Attach copies of all relevant documents to substantiate your claim, including the ones you gathered in Step 1.

Send the complaint: Submit the complaint letter along with the supporting documents to the Labor Commissioner's office through registered mail or in person. Keep a copy of the complaint and the proof of submission for your records.

Follow up: After filing the complaint, regularly follow up with the Labor Commissioner's office to check the progress of your case. They may conduct an investigation and attempt to mediate between you and your employer.

Attend hearings (if required): If the Labor Commissioner organizes a hearing or mediation session, make sure to attend it with all relevant documents and be prepared to present your case.

Await the decision: The Labor Commissioner will investigate the matter and make a decision based on the evidence provided and the applicable labor laws. If the decision is in your favor, your employer may be directed to settle your dues and benefits accordingly.

Note: The process may vary slightly from state to state in India, so it's essential to check the specific procedures and guidelines of your state's Labor Department before filing the complaint. Additionally, seeking legal advice or consulting with an employment lawyer can be beneficial to ensure you understand your rights and options fully.

Delay in obtaining full and final settlement from employer

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