Showing posts with label Aerospace Abbreviations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Aerospace Abbreviations. Show all posts

Friday, September 22, 2023

Aerospace and Aviation Abbreviations: What Pilots and Enthusiasts Need to Know

Aerospace and aviation are industries with many technical terms and abbreviations. Here is a list of some common abbreviations used in these fields:

  1. ATC: Air Traffic Control
  2. ATP: Airline Transport Pilot
  3. A&P: Airframe and Powerplant (Aircraft maintenance certification)
  4. FAA: Federal Aviation Administration (United States)
  5. ICAO: International Civil Aviation Organization
  6. AOG: Aircraft on Ground (refers to an aircraft that is grounded due to maintenance issues)
  7. AIRMET: Airmen's Meteorological Information
  8. ASRS: Aviation Safety Reporting System
  9. VFR: Visual Flight Rules
  10. IFR: Instrument Flight Rules
  11. GPS: Global Positioning System
  12. FBO: Fixed-Base Operator (provides aviation services like fuel, maintenance, and hangar space)
  13. ATIS: Automatic Terminal Information Service
  14. TAF: Terminal Aerodrome Forecast
  15. METAR: Meteorological Aerodrome Report
  16. TSA: Transportation Security Administration
  17. NAT: North Atlantic Track (used for transatlantic flights)
  18. ETOPS: Extended Operations (long-range twin-engine aircraft certification)
  19. ILS: Instrument Landing System
  20. VOR: VHF Omnidirectional Range
  21. TCAS: Traffic Collision Avoidance System
  22. MRO: Maintenance, Repair, and Overhaul
  23. ELT: Emergency Locator Transmitter
  24. ADSB: Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast
  25. TSA: Transportation Security Administration
  26. A380: Airbus A380 (a commercial aircraft model)
  27. B737: Boeing 737 (a popular commercial aircraft model)
  28. FOD: Foreign Object Debris/Damage
  29. CASA: Civil Aviation Safety Authority (Australia)
  30. EASA: European Union Aviation Safety Agency
  31. RVR: Runway Visual Range
  32. TCAS: Traffic Collision Avoidance System
  33. FIR: Flight Information Region
  34. MEL: Minimum Equipment List
  35. ACARS: Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System
  36. AOG: Aircraft on Ground
  37. PAPI: Precision Approach Path Indicator
  38. TCM: Turbine Compressor Map
  39. MEL: Minimum Equipment List
  40. TAS: True Airspeed

These abbreviations cover various aspects of aerospace and aviation, including navigation, safety, regulations, and aircraft types. Depending on your specific area of interest within these industries, you may encounter additional specialized abbreviations and acronyms.

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